What is the standard rate?
$25 every 2 weeks.
Can I bring or use a tripod?
No, tripods (or any similar device) are explicitly banned.
Am I allowed to film in the gym?
Maybe... But, with some restrictions. Filming restrictions are these:
o For the purpose of definition: filming and photography are one in the same, used synonymously.
o UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES: are you allowed to bring tripod or any type of stand that occupies space in the gym, nor external lighting or devices which occupy space or annoy other members.
o If anyone expresses concern with being in your videos or is uncomfortable with your filming, you must stop and discard the footage containing that person. Privacy laws in Ontario prohibit filming without consent.
o Note: the vast majority of gyms and their members DO NOT allow/condone filming of any kind. REBELfit is making concessions so all members may enjoy the facility to it's fullest; but may change or adapt these rules at any time.
Is someone always on staff?
No. Our gym operates the same as Anytime Fitness, Snap Fitness and so many others. You receive a keycard and may come and go as you please. We hold office hours at 11am to 7pm. The door is automated and staff hours are by appointment only. Outside of those hours, no one is on staff. If you need anything, simply reach out to us! Daily thorough cleaning of the facility is performed by our staff.
Can the gym be rented out for commercial or exclusive filming?
At this time we do not offer this option
How do I update my credit card number?
By visiting this page update your card here
My membership was cancelled by REBELfit or I cancelled my membership, do I need to pay the signup fee again?
Yes you do.
Is personal training free/included?
No. Our trainers are highly skilled and must be paid for their time.
How do I cancel my membership?
Cancellations MUST be in PERSON. E-mail, text messages, instagram or facebook cancellations are not allowed. You MUST cancel before 14 days of your renewing date (if you get billed on the 1st, you must cancel BEFORE the 14th) otherwise you will be billed again.
How long do I have between account suspension and full cancellation?
If your account is suspended for non-payment, you have 60 days to bring your account current or it is cancelled completely.
Do you offer a free trial?
Yes, we offer a one day free trial. We are a private, exclusive gym which caters only to members.
Can I freeze my membership?
We do not allow membership freezes. If you do not wish to use your membership, you may cancel any time.
Do you have day or guest passes?
Yes we do allow day passes for guests.
Can I come see the facility before signing up?
Absolutely! Contact us and schedule an appointment to come in and see the facility.
Do I really have to rerack my weights and put weight benches back?
You are fully expected to put the equipment back in the original condition in which it rested before you interacted with it. We have members who may not be as strong as you, may be disabled or may have an injury; there is no reason they should clean up after you. If you are found not putting your equipment back, we will cancel your membership after two verbal warnings.
Do you have bumper plates and drop platforms?
Yes, we have bumper plates and have added drop platforms to our new location
What payment options are available?
Credit or Debit on file only, no cash, e-transfer or others
I changed my mind, can I cancel?
Yes of course, you can cancel at any time, however, there are no refunds.
Is the gym 24 hours?
Yes, the gym is full 24 hours, opened on weekends and all holidays.
Do you have showers or a changing room?
Yes we have showers and changing rooms.
Can a non-member wait for me while I work out?
No, bringing anyone into the facility who is not a member will cause your membership to be immediately cancelled.
Someone forgot their keycard, can I hold the door open and let them in?
No. EVERYONE, even your significant other/friend/family must scan their keycard individually on entrance into the gym. Do NOT allow ANYONE else in. You are fully responsible for the person in front and/or behind you for any liability, damages or theft. Bringing anyone into the facility who is not a member will cause your membership to be immediately cancelled.
Are there any cancellation fees?
No, there are no cancellation fees.
Are there joint/family memberships?
No, each member must have their own membership.
What is the minimum age for members?
17 years of age, no exceptions.
Can I sign up my child under 18?
No, i'm sorry, no waivers will be allowed for youth under 17.
I called but no one answers the phone
Please leave a message or send an email to info@rebelfit247.com
I tried to come visit in person but no one would answer the door
Our staffed hours are 11a-7p Monday to Friday – we may be on break or running errands. Please set an appointment if the hours are not convenient for you.
Are animals allowed?
No, animals are not allowed in the facility.
Are children allowed?
No children are not allowed in the facility for safety and liability, please leave them home.
Can my child sit in the waiting room while I exercise?
No, for safety and insurance reasons, we would have to cancel your membership.
Is there childcare?
No, there is no child care and children are not allowed in the facility
How large is the facility?
Over 10,000 sq ft
Do you offer classes?
Yes. This will be offered for the future.
Can I use chalk?
Absolutely not. Everything is black in our facility. Using chalk will cause your membership to be cancelled.
When can I pick up my keycard?
You MUST make an appointment to pick up your keycard.
Is there music?
Yes, we have built a large playlist of great upbeat electronic/dance music.
Can I play music out loud through my phone or through a speaker?
No. If you do not like the music we play, bring headphones.
I lost my key, how much is a replacement?
Replacements are $20
Do you have a sauna?
Not currently however these will be added on a phase 3 schedule.
Can I bring food into the facility?
No, for the enjoyment of all members, please do not bring food into the facility.
I forgot to cancel my membership and I was billed, can I be refunded?
Like every other gym, per the agreement you signed when you became a member, there are no refunds on membership dues. It is solely your responsibility to know your billing cycle and cancel prior to the next billing cycle.
Do you have a water fountain?
Yes, we have 1.
Do you have TV's?
Yes we do.